How Sonic Automotive Drives Talent Success With LearnUpon

19/08/2024 0

This case study shows how Sonic Automotive has effectively leveraged LearnUpon’s LMS to enhance its employee training and development programs. By adopting LearnUpon, Sonic Automotive has achieved significant improvements in internal mobility, onboarding efficiency, and administrative time savings. This post was first published on eLearning Industry. eLearning Case Studies, Learning Management Systems  Source: eLearning Industry  ​Read More 

Prove The Impact Of Learning In The ROI Revolution

19/08/2024 0

Measuring learning impact is the top challenge for L&D teams, but it doesn’t have to be complex. By leveraging existing data and a simple ROI formula, you can estimate your learning program’s financial impact. This post was first published on eLearning Industry. Training ROI  Source: eLearning Industry  ​Read More 

The Future Of Education With AI Chatbots: Corporate Training, Higher Education, And K-12

19/08/2024 0

AI chatbots are revolutionizing education by offering personalized support, automating tasks, and improving learning experiences across corporate training, higher education, and K-12. Their integration creates more efficient, engaging, and effective educational environments. This post was first published on eLearning Industry. Artificial Intelligence  Source: eLearning Industry  ​Read More 

Nově schválený maturitní obor na Evropské Akademii

Nově schválený maturitní obor na Evropské Akademii

19/08/2024 0

 Od školního roku 2024/25 (tedy již od září) dostala naše škola možnost otevřít maturitní obor 18-20-M/01 Informační technologie v…  Read More     Source: Evropská akademie vzdělávání (European Academy of education) 

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Connecting Learning To Performance Online Conference

19/08/2024 0

Bridge the gap between learning and performance. This online conference offers practical solutions to align learning with business goals, measure impact, and create engaging experiences. This post was first published on eLearning Industry.   Source: eLearning Industry  ​Read More 

eLearning Gamification: What Are The Potential Risks Involved?

18/08/2024 0

Although gamification has transformed eLearning in numerous ways, we shouldn’t ignore the risks that it might involve. Discover what those are and how they can negatively impact the effectiveness of your eLearning course. This post was first published on eLearning Industry. Gamification  Source: eLearning Industry  ​Read More