WhatsApp is clearly keen to cement its place as the default place that you share snaps with friends and family – a new update to its iOS app now lets you send photos and videos to friends in “original quality”. Back in August, WhatsApp introduced a new option to send HD photos on iOS, Android and desktop. While that was an improvement, it still involved some compression – so now the messaging app is bringing an uncompressed option to iOS users, as spotted by WABetaInfo. To get the new ‘original quality’ option for photos and videos, you’ll need version 23.24.73 of WhatsApp on iOS, which is rolling out “over the coming weeks” (although it’s already available for us in the App Store). Once that’s installed, the process of sending uncompressed media is pretty simple. Just tap the ‘+’ icon in any chat, go to Document, tap ‘choose photo or video’ and pick the file you want to send. […]